Jan 9, 2014

Building laws and possibilities.

When it comes to a temporary installation, whether it is of sculptural or architectural merit, as long as it is temporary I reckon that any way of constructing the actual installation is legal.
I'm sure it being "legal" doesn't mean that getting the permits to build something in an unconventional way is all that easy, you still have to obey certain rules, like that the construction must be safe, and non toxic; but when it comes to building something to be looked at or interacted with by a short period of time, it s fair to say that anything goes.
That is not the case with say, a house. Houses have such definitive and specific norms on how they must be built, that it has gotten me thinking; when someone comes up with this new way of building, say it consists of cheaper materials but with the same durability, or a faster way of assembly, or a desired overall look on the building, if the construction process is unconventional does it mean it's inadequate? Often times the sins of a different way of building is: 1)Less people are qualified to build with said constructive method
2) The paperwork the city asks to review and approve a building doesn't match they way a building is being made.

That doesn't mean it can't be done. In a talk that Mexican Architect Javier Senosian gave in the University I attended to, he commented the resistance he encountered while presenting his unconventional constructive methods in his is organic houses. Although he remarked that more than the legal aspect, the greatest backlash was social, but that's a whole other topic.

Picture above, Senosian's "Ballena Mexicana" ("Mexican whale") a house built creating a pneumatic structure; a balloon mold of sorts, and covering it with the hard polyurethane, much like creating a model with 'Mache paper'.

It's is not impossible to introduce a new way of building houses, or any kind of building, but as creative a constructive method is, the paper work to get it approved must be just as creative.

I'll link to Youtuber Kirsten Dirksen's wonderful video "Portable home delivered as furniture, tailored as Smartphone" :
Where property owners in Spain get their pre-built home approved for use by entering the paperwork of a pool instead of that of a house. Because of the unconventional way of constructing it, their prebuilt house didn't meet the requirements of an actual home, that doesn't mean they can't work their way around the paperwork.

As they say of it's not prohibited it is permitted.


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